I'm joining Microsoft! I'll be part of the excellent Analysis and Experimentation team, helping people learn from data. I'm excited!
I've been geeking out with big data from before data science was a thing and before being a geek ever could be considered a compliment. For two decades, I've enjoyed looking at the paths people take online, where they find success and where they become annoyed, and how changes can help more find success.
Sometimes this is prioritizing things people like and find useful.
Sometimes it is changing or eliminating things that, despite the good intentions of the developers and designers, don't work for people.
Sometimes it is anonymously sharing things that only some people found with others who haven't found it yet.
And sometimes it is having humility about being able to guess what will work and deciding to try many things to discover what actually does work.
If you're at Microsoft, whether an old friend, a team looking to talk about recommendations, personalization, data science, and experimentation, or just looking to chat, please get in touch! I'd love to hear from you.