Thursday, October 21, 2004

Google's Kirkland office

In Jeff Dean's talk today at University of Washington, he officially announced that Google is opening an office in Kirkland, WA. The office is right outside of Seattle and, more importantly, right near Microsoft.

Clearly, this move is intended to steal top talent from the Redmond giant. Especially after recently cutting benefits, Microsoft may have difficulty retaining key people in MS Research and MSN Search.

Amazon, located in Seattle, should also be concerned. Amusing, in some ways, since Amazon just opened an office in Google's backyard. Turnabout is fair play.

The search war is heating up!

Update: Let me clarify. What's new here is that this is a software development office in Kirkland. Yes, Google has had a sales team up in the Seattle area for a while. But Jeff said Google is opening a branch office for software engineers here in the Seattle area.

Update: Coverage in the Seattle Times.

Update: Joe Beda talks about the move to the Google Kirkland office. There's apparently a housewarming party for the new office on Nov 18.

Update: Gary Price has details on the Google office, including the exact location and maximum capacity. [via InsideGoogle]

1 comment:

  1. ooo... I've had a couple interviews with google lately... maybe they'll higher me into the new Kirkland office (which would make me happy, since I'm from Spokane, and love the Seattle area).

