Tuesday, November 30, 2004

MSN Spaces

Mary Jo Foley reports that Microsoft will launch a new weblog service this week called MSN Spaces.

MSN Spaces is "a direct competitor to blog creation and hosting tools such as [Google's] Blogger [and] Blog*Spot, LiveJournal and TypePad."

I'm curious where Yahoo is in all of this. Given all their other community and content creation features, you'd expect Yahoo to be faster out of the gate on a Blogger knockoff than Microsoft. But not this time.

Update: MSN Spaces has launched.

Update: Charlene Li lauds MSN Spaces' integration with MSN Photos, MSN Music, and MSN Messenger and lists it as an advantage over the competition. Yahoo? Are you paying attention to this?


  1. Now that you mention it, it seems so obvious! Yahoo could have come up with a free personal journaling or blogging service even before Google acquired blogger. They could have started with something simple. Maybe they simply didn't see any money in it (though they do run geocities) Maybe they Just Don't Get It(TM) yet.
