Tuesday, February 01, 2005

MSN Search officially launches

It's being widely reported that MSN switched to its new, home-grown web search engine. Congratulations to Brady, Erik, Mez, Chris, and the rest of the MSN Search team.

MSN promises their search will offer a "more personalized search experience" than the competition. Interesting that MSN sees personalization as their differentiator.

Chris Payne (VP at MSN Search, ex-Amazon.com) posts about the launch on the MSN Search weblog.


  1. I think this blog shows how well a weblog can be used to convey a specific marketing message, "Personalization everywhere."

    Preach it!

  2. Well, personalization is what this weblog is about, Seun.

    "The search war is personal: Personalization and customization in web search and online news"

    I do try to stay on topic.
