Monday, May 30, 2005

Bloglines vs. My Yahoo

SearchViews has a brief interview with Jim Lanzone (SVP of Search at Ask Jeeves). Jim talks about how Bloglines is going to try to grab market share from My Yahoo:
    We envision Bloglines as the homepage of the 21st century: 'the Universal Inbox'. With recent rollouts like Weather and Package Tracking, you see it beginning to move beyond news and blogs. We're going to follow this to its logical conclusion. Watch out, My Yahoo!
Bloglines CEO Mark Fletcher also has said some interesting things about My Yahoo. See my earlier post, "Bloglines, My Yahoogle, and information overload".

[via Danny Sullivan]


  1. bloglines has won me over for a while now

  2. i have been using my yahoo for 5 years and recently i realized that they dun catch the rss feed as quick as bloglines and there is always few problems to add the feed to my yahoo.
