Thursday, August 04, 2005

ZDNet on Prabhakar Raghavan

Dan Farber at ZDNet has a lengthy post about his interview with Prabhakar Raghavan, the new head of Yahoo R&D.

A couple excerpts on personalization:
Search and creating more personalized user experiences that take advantage of underlying data and relationships is still in an infant phase. Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and other major players understand that the spoils will go to those who provide answers, rather than links .... "Most people are not interested in search -- they want to get things done."

"Personalizing is a loaded word, and it sometimes gets trivialized. It's not about customizing the colors on the MyYahoo page," Raghavan said .... "You have to decide what content to show that users will find valuable, and not irritate users with too much content."
Google's Marissa Mayer said something similar a few months ago:
"We need to get better not at doing searches, but at providing answers people are looking for. There will be a day when ten HTML links regardless of who you are is not the answer any more."
Giving you the information you need, that's what personalized information is all about.

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