Monday, October 17, 2005

Verisign acquires Moreover

Verisign just bought Moreover, the news aggregator.

The Moreover news database is used by Yahoo News, My Yahoo, MSN, MSN Newsbot, Ask Jeeves News, and many other news sites, though not by Google News or Findory.

Congratulations, Jim!

Update: In the comments, Scott Gatz from Yahoo says that Yahoo is no longer using Moreover and that the Yahoo News database is now homegrown.


  1. the moreover database is not used by yahoo at all - there are feeds in the my yahoo rss database, but topix and findory feeds are in there as well...etc...

  2. I agree with the other commenter...Moreover had a deal with Yahoo long ago, but the Y! News search and My Yahoo! databases are all home-grown.

  3. Greg

    May want to update the title from "Versign" to "Verisign".

  4. Oops! Thanks, Paul. It's fixed now.
