Sunday, March 18, 2007

Scoble says Microsoft sucks

Former Microsoft tech evangelist Robert Scoble bluntly says that "Microsoft's Internet execution sucks".

Key excerpts:
Microsoft executives are bragging ... that "we're in it to win." I don't think Microsoft is. The words are empty.

Microsoft's Internet execution sucks (on whole). Its search sucks. Its advertising sucks.

Microsoft: stop the talk. Ship a better search, a better advertising system than Google, a better hosting service than Amazon, a better cross-platform Web development ecosystem than Adobe, and get some services out there that are innovative (where's the video RSS reader? Blog search? Something like Yahoo's Pipes? A real blog service? A way to look up people?) That's how you win.
[Found via the UK Times]

1 comment:

  1. Is Honesty a good policy here :)? Dear Scoble, we all know this fact. I am sure you guys have money and talent, give Google a challenge. In this village we do not need two search engines, we need only, keep improving and one day you can replace Google. I do not want Google's monopoly.

    Recently at a talk I said, "Being less famous or less used is an open door for bigger experiments and bigger failures and bigger experiments and bigger failures an open door to BIGGER SUCCESS". Google will not be able to try out all things, you can do. Do it guys.
