Thursday, January 10, 2008

Joining Microsoft Live Labs

I am starting at Microsoft Live Labs next week.

Live Labs is an applied research group affiliated with Microsoft Research and MSN. The group has the enjoyable goal of not only trying to solve hard problems with broad impact, but also getting useful research work out the door and into products so it can help as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

Live Labs is lead by Gary Flake, the former head of Yahoo Research. It is a fairly new group, formed only two years ago. Gary wrote a manifesto that has more information about Live Labs.

With its connection to MSR, working at Live Labs promises to be a lot of fun. I am thrilled that I might have an opportunity to work with Sue Dumais, Jaime Teevan, Dennis DeCoste, Matt Hurst, Eric Brill, Steve Drucker, Paul Viola, Patrice Simard, and many, many others.


  1. Wow.. Congrats.

    I knew this was going to happen the day you, Matthew and I had lunch :)

    If you need blog data while at Live Labs please let us know.

    We're providing free Spinn3r access to anyone performing research that will eventually become public.

    Also, please feel free to tell anyone at MS Live Labs as we'd love to have them use our data as well.

    We already have researchers from University of Washington using the data so maybe it will totally infect the Seattle area ;)


  2. Congratulations, Greg, and have fun.

  3. Congratulations!

    I'm sure you'll find lots of exciting challenges.

  4. Bravo, bravo. Should we be expecting a lot of new personalization stuff coming out of Live Labs now?

  5. Hey, congrats on the new job!

  6. Congrats Greg! Should be lots of fun.

  7. Greg - looking forward to seeing you up here on the 17th floor!

  8. Contratulations Greg. But congrats to the Live team as well: I'm sure you've had other offers; judging by the quality of, the Live team are the lucky ones.

  9. Ahh, cool. Just the other day I was wondering what your next steps would be after Findory. I just hope the new job won't detract from the great blog :)

  10. Headlines for 2009: "Microsoft Live Labs is shutting down forever"

    You can then read Greg's multi-part blog series about the founding, first late-night pizza-party, first outage caused by errant Greg Linden code and final "lights off" moments.

    Kidding :-)

    Good luck Greg!

  11. While you're there, maybe you can finally figure out something you have pointed out several times in the past: the Micro$oft naming puzzle: MSN vs Windows Live vs etc ...

    Just curious: is this because MSN/Live is the underdog or Micro$oft is the Gorilla or because of the Seattle location or because of the cool people? After all, Google has two offices in the Seattle area with a few heavyweights of their own, and they are equally a combination of gorilla and underdog, depending on the area you look at ...

  12. Good luck Greg...A great team to join at a great time.

  13. Congrats!

    Nice blog BTW, will check back!
