Friday, October 15, 2010

Round-up of latest reading

I've been active microblogging on Google Reader lately. Here's a summary of some of the topics that have caught my attention recently.
  • Microsoft's Bing finally launches a form of personalized search ([1] [2] [3])

  • Netflix is shifting entirely to Amazon Web Services, not just for streaming, but for almost everything ([1] [2])

  • Postmortems of startup failures ([1] [2])

  • It took four long years, but spiking Android sales and the promising early reviews of Windows Phone 7 probably signal the beginning of the end of the iPhone's reign ([1] [2] [3])

  • Microsoft cut benefits again. Their lack of corporate memory is just astounding. Look for new problems in morale and retention, just like after 2004, then for the benefits to be reinstated a couple years later, like they did in 2006. ([1] [2] [3])
More in my shared items microblogging stream or, if you use Google Reader, search for me and follow my shared items there.


  1. Greg,

    Thanks for the mention of our post-mortem analysis. We hope to do a summary analysis of the causes of failure as given by founders to see what commonality exists amongst the reasons they provide.

    Thanks again for reading and sharing with your readers.

    ChubbyBrain - Tools for Smart Entrepreneurs

  2. On the phone front, I think Microsoft's reemergence in the phone arena is going to have a bigger impact on Google than it will on Apple. The distribution channels and shelfspace that Microsoft is fighting for is largely occupied by Android now. While they fight it out, Apple will likely double it's distribution in the US with a CDMA phone.

    I'm really curious about how the market for paid and free apps develops on Android. We've heard about a lot of developer enthusiasm for Android, but the market seems off to a slower start than device volumes would suggest. How much bigger will their marketshare have to be to compensate for the increased costs of dealing with fragmentation? I also have doubts about the viability of mobile advertising as a viable revenue stream for many categories of apps.

  3. The full slide deck on Netflix and cloud has been uploaded:
