Saturday, March 07, 2015

Data Maven from Crunchzilla: A light introduction to statistics

Crunchzilla just launched Data Maven!

Data Maven from Crunchzilla is a light introduction to statistics and data analysis.

For too many teens and adults, if they think about statistics at all, they think it's boring, tedious, or too hard. Too many people have had the experience of trying to learn statistics, only to get bogged down in probability, theory, and math, without feeling that they were able to do anything with it.

Instead, your first exposure to statistics should be fun, interesting, and mostly easy. Data Maven from Crunchzilla is more of a game than a tutorial. To play, you answer questions and solve problems using real data. Statistics is your tool, and data provides your answers. At the end of Data Maven, you'll not only know a bit about statistics, but also maybe even start to think of statistics as fun!

Like programming, statistics and data analysis are tools that make you more powerful. If you know how to use these tools, you can do things and solve problems others cannot. Increasingly, across many fields, people who understand statistics and data analysis can know more, learn more, and discover more.

Data Maven is not a statistics textbook. It is not a statistics class. It is an introduction. Data Maven demystifies statistics. Teens and adults who try Data Maven build their intuition and spark their curiosity for statistics and data.

Please try Data Maven yourself! And please tell others you know who might enjoy it too!

Update: Six years later, Data Maven is mostly shut down, missing from if you go to it, but still available if you go directly to the URL for Data Maven. Unfortunately, Data Maven was never popular. And it seems it may have distracted from the coding lessons of Code Monster, Code Maven, and Game Maven. So now it is mostly shut down. I hope someone else will give teaching more kids and adults about statistics. It's hard to make easy and fun, and it's important, especially nowadays.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea.
    But you need to get a statistician to QA things.

    For example, how many people in the US are female is NOT the same as what percentage of people in the US are female, which is what you should have asked.
