Sunday, August 30, 2015

Working at Google

I joined Google a few months ago. I've wanted to work at Google for a long time. I first interviewed there back in 2003!

I've written on this blog since 2004, during Findory and beyond, but, like many blogs, posts have slowed in recent years. Unfortunately, I don't expect to be able to post much here in the coming months either.

Thanks for reading all these years. I hope you enjoyed this blog, and I hope to be able to post frequently again at some point in the future.


  1. Congratulations, Greg. And congratulations to Google for getting you, finally.

  2. If you are allowed to say, what are you going to do there?

  3. From a long time reader (mid 2004 I think), thanks for the ride!

  4. Sad for us, great for you. I've enjoyed your wit for several years after being pointed to your blog by James H. Best of luck.

  5. Congrats! I've learned many things through your analysis. Thanks so much for all you've shared.

  6. Congratulations Greg. I'll certainly miss your quick links posts. What exactly are you doing at Google? Or is that a double-secret probation type of thing?

  7. Sad to hear this, but thanks for all the posts! Looking forward to your return.
